Monday, September 21, 2009

Shit that get on my nerves....

whats the point of being with someone and you know you can't
handle that person's personality. You claim you listen but you don't. You claim you
understand but you don't. You believe that maybe later down the months of the relationship
when the person gets comfortable you could try to change that person why?? Find someone who fits the quality that first before you even waste your time trying to change someone who probably wasn't right for you to begin with. If you knew from the beginning that the person was too bold, too emotional, too assertive, etc etc then LET THEM GO why waste your time with them in the first place casue if you met this person that way from the jump 9 times out of 10 they arent going to change cause you say so. *news flash people* You cant change a person, its up to them to change themselves if they felt it was needed. It doesnt matter how much shit you put up with or do for that person if that person doesnt see the what you do for them don't throw it in there faces just let them go it wasnt worth it. I believe ppl put themsleves in drama just because they need something to talk about with there friends God forbid you get in a relationship that worth SOMETHING.